Well, there are many web logs out there which are pretty packed with news about books and movies and stuff, but I tend not to write too much about the things I read, watch or listen to. However there are some exceptions and today is one of those rare days. Yesterday I’ve been to the cinema with some folks and we watched „Gran Torino“. Honestly guys, this is one of the best movies I have seen in years! Do yourself a favour and watch this movie, it’s brilliant!
Also there will be a small birthday party on Wednesday the 1st April. No kidding! If you want to join in give me a call and BYOC! 😉
Also I had to order some new glasses yesterday. The bastard optician is going to charge me not less than 450 Euro for two lenses and a piece of wire. Damn you! Again I could have bought a nice digital SLR for that money. Or a playstation 3 AND Singstar: Queen.
engine humms and bitter dreams grow,
heart locked in a Gran Torino,
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
Ach Matti. Ich habe mir diese Woche auch eine Neue Brille gekauft. Da kommst du aber mit deinen 450 Euro noch gut weg. Ich habe mir eine für 650 Euro gekauft. Kommt halt davon, wenn man sagt, dass man möglichst dünne Gläser will und nicht solche Falschenböden wie ich jetzt habe.