Since some (ex-)colleagues started playing World of Warcraft lately, I thought maybe it’s time to give an update about my own waste of time with this game.
Back in 2005, when I mentioned WoW for the first time in this newsfeed, I had just started to play. It was so exciting to discover new areas and to boldly go where no dwarf has … uhm .. wrong game, sorry. Even though I had a lot of fun playing a dwarfen hunter, I gave other characters a try and got stucked with an paladina named Egwene. Now, nearly 3 years later, Egwene is still sort of what most people would call a „main character“, but I also really enjoy playing a warrior (Crâzy), a priest (Demandred) or a mage (Haryll). You can find all these characters at Blizzards armory.
You might also want to check out this blog about a colleagues first steps into the World of Warcraft. It’s written nicely and for those of you, who cannot read, it’s packed with beautiful pics and flicks. 😉