After not less than three USB Christmas Trees, I’ve got a brand new toy for my desk! It’s a USB Missile Launcher! With this nifty thing I’m going to shoot down every villain that’s trying to steal our coffee. Yeeeehaaawww!
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You should Work! And not shoot some Rockets through the Office.
I i should Work, and not suft on this Website.
Remi, but this is not a chess game. 😛
Part of my work is to defend the coffee. No coffee, no work at all. „It’s by cafffeine alone, it set my mind in motion..“ 😀
Thx for your visit anyway Alion. 🙂
hmhm, ok but there is something mysterious.
I can not see a coffee on you desk.
You have failed in defending coffee.
Maybe I shoot another pic where the coffee maker is visible. Be assured that there actually IS coffee. ALWAYS! 🙂