After two and half years Micha is going to move out of my apartment on May 1st. I’ve done the maths and decided not to look for another flatmate and instead use both rooms for myself. I’ll have to restrain myself, but I think it’ll be worth it. After all having a bedroom and enough room for all the stuff that piled up over the years is just priceless.
Last week a bunch of cool stuff I ordered arrived. The package contained a flash light for my DSLR (Finally!), an ultra-cool web cam and four graphic novels, three of them by Alan Moore plus Art Spiegelmann’s Pulitzer Price winning comic „Maus“. Obviously Karsten kind of hooked me to the world of graphic novels by presenting me the first volume of Neil Gaiman’s „Sandman“ as a gift for my birthday… More things to spend money on, that’s exactly what I needed, Karsten. Great! No really, great!
This weekend we went to the movies to see „Shutter Island“. I heard a lot about this movie and I was more than curious to see if it could keep up with the hype. It can. Go and see it!
Also I feel like falling sick. Since this morning my throat is sore, my bones ache and I am somewhat feverish too. Gosh darn it! Not now!
P.S. Still no update to the site. Been busy playing poker. *sigh*
Toy Story
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