Boulevard of broken things

On Friday – just one week after Jamba’s summer party – we went to Leipzig to visit 5C Basic at their first annual (;)) summer party. The guys also invited a suckling pig which happened to be a very tasty conversationalist. Despite the return run being not exactly edifying we had a very, very nice evening at the fireplace, thanks for having us.
On Saturday I had quite a hard time getting up early enough to get some new parts for my computer (Why do computer shops close at 3 p.m.?!?!) but with the help of Micha I managed to be there in time. I bought the new power supply unit (Your right Arno-Lars-Micha, it _is_ always the power supply unit…), took the opportunity to clean my case and physically killed my hard drive’s SATA port. D’oh! Fortunately I was able to somehow attach the cable to the electrical contacts and run a backup. What was meant to be gaming weekend turned into a torturous backup party. But folks I won’t complain, ‚cause I sweated blood when I fist spotted the whole cable mess and I am kind of delighted that I was able to secure my stuff anyway. Don’t be as silly as I am, disk it or risk it!

4 Gedanken zu „Boulevard of broken things

  1. rahv

    uhm … my machine’s power supply also broke and now rests in that special hell reserved for computer parts that wantonly try to ruin your weeckend.
    that can’t be coincidence!!

    >set conspirance_theory_mode=1


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