Gute Nacht schlaft gut und die Wut schreit zum Himmel hinauf*

Now it’s a week since the Fitbit arrived and I think it’s time to write a few more words about it. Since there have been a lot of questions I want to start with all the things that Fitbit is _not_. Fitbit is no super-uber-gadget with GPS tracking, heart rate monitor and whatsoever. While all these things would make Fitbit even cooler, it comes with a motion sensor similar to the one from the Wii remote and measures your general activity and estimates the calories you burned. The estimate seems to be a bit lowish compared to others, but that’s ok for me. Also the Fitbit logs your sleep time surprisingly accurate, automatically uploads the data to the Fitbit website and creates cool graphics like this one:

But maybe the most important thing about Fitbit isn’t the technical stuff. Having this little fellow tacked at my side changed my mindset a fair way. Now I happily take some some extra steps knowing that the Fitbit will reward me with higher numbers in the evening. Also you are advised to log all your food and therefore have to fiddle with your calorie intake. For me this is the first time I really worry about it and I get a far better feeling what my wrongdoings are. 😉 All in all I consider the Fitbit absolutely worth it’s money. *thumbs up*

Last Thursday the shirts I ordered at T-Shirt Hell arrived. The shirts are good quality and so is print. That’s a definite recommendation! But be aware: These American guys are _serious_ about size! I ordered the same size I buy here and they make a beautiful knee-length dress or nightgown. These are the first shirts in ages I tuck in. :p

Last Sunday Anke and I helped out as track marshals at the Wolfburg marathon. We had to block traffic from a crossroad in order to let the runners pass and we happened to have two police officers with us, who turned out to be all relaxed and quite cool. Obviously not all cops are such pissed off badasses like the ones I happen to meet in Berlin all the time. When one of the cops went for a coffee, he even leant me his signalling disc. And what can I say… these things _do_ work way better than just trying to stop a car with a hands signal. 😀

We did have a quite nice day in the sun and got not only a shirt but also tickets for a game of the VfL Wolfburg and the EHC Wolfsburg as a representation allowance. Sweet.

P.S. Another blog post at I just plain love it, when those guys do a little data mining.
*Eastside Boys & Lousy-Split to come soon. Stay tuned, stay lousy!

2 Gedanken zu „Gute Nacht schlaft gut und die Wut schreit zum Himmel hinauf*

  1. Gerold Steiner

    Ach, Kelle hin, Kelle her – ein Iro Haarschnitt und schwere Eisenkette oder ein Bello wirkt sicher genau so gut!

    Kam bei dieser Gelegenheit auch „Cheffe“ vorbei mit Barem aus dem Kofferraum?


    1. Riipa

      Ich bin ja für Eisenketten. Obwohl der junge Mann vom der Polizei meinte, dass so eine Kelle auch ordentlich Lärm macht, wenn man sie einem renitenten Jemand ordentlich auf die Scheibe knallt. Aber soweit kam es leider nicht. 🙂

      Die Zeiten von Cheffe mit Kohle im Kofferraum sind leider vorbei. Lustig war’s!


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