While the Winter old and weak downward sends an impotent shower of icy hail* it’s definitely time to prepare for spring time. I thinned out my winter coat, started cleaning up my place and even shaved that scrubby, reddish something that started to overgrow my face. So the stage is set for a lot of sun and for ice cream during lunch breaks. Hey spring, don’t let me down!
Some days ago my personalized edition of „Drakensang 2 – Am Fluss der Zeit“ arrived. To my knowledge it was the first game ever that was delivered personalized. If I feel less lazy maybe I’m going to upload some pictures of this awesome box. Besides the game itself the package also contains the beautiful soundtrack on CD, a map of Aventuria printed on cloth and a (also personalized) card game from the „The Dark Eye“ universe.
The game-play really fits my liking because it’s an old school, slow paced RGP with a strong focus on group interaction and a lot of talking. The narrative style very much reminds me of those wonderful days and nights of pen & paper role-playing. Those were the days my son, those were the days!**
*Classic education reference! How cool is that?!?!
** Nerd reference! Yeah!
Bilder von Spieleschachteln?
… wie wär’s mit Bildern vom Matti?
Das fände ich sowohl unerhört als auch innovativ!
… oder Bilder vom Frühling in Berlin? Deine EOS muss sich ja langweilen!
Grüße, ich
Juhu, der Frühling ist jetzt da! Endlich, endlich, endlich! Bilder davon gibts sobald wieder Krokant auf den Wiesen wächst.