The old man was trying to tell the future, looking for pictures in the campfire

While the Winter old and weak downward sends an impotent shower of icy hail* it’s definitely time to prepare for spring time. I thinned out my winter coat, started cleaning up my place and even shaved that scrubby, reddish something that started to overgrow my face. So the stage is set for a lot of sun and for ice cream during lunch breaks. Hey spring, don’t let me down!
Some days ago my personalized edition of „Drakensang 2 – Am Fluss der Zeit“ arrived. To my knowledge it was the first game ever that was delivered personalized. If I feel less lazy maybe I’m going to upload some pictures of this awesome box. Besides the game itself the package also contains the beautiful soundtrack on CD, a map of Aventuria printed on cloth and a (also personalized) card game from the „The Dark Eye“ universe.
The game-play really fits my liking because it’s an old school, slow paced RGP with a strong focus on group interaction and a lot of talking. The narrative style very much reminds me of those wonderful days and nights of pen & paper role-playing. Those were the days my son, those were the days!**

*Classic education reference! How cool is that?!?!
** Nerd reference! Yeah!

2 Gedanken zu „The old man was trying to tell the future, looking for pictures in the campfire

  1. Lars Vegas

    Bilder von Spieleschachteln?

    … wie wär’s mit Bildern vom Matti?
    Das fände ich sowohl unerhört als auch innovativ!

    … oder Bilder vom Frühling in Berlin? Deine EOS muss sich ja langweilen!

    Grüße, ich


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